Testing Tools

Rest Assured

Fiven is busy introducing a new java library to enhance Test Automation for API testing:

  1. API automation helps speed up testing and increase application efficiency
  2. The RestAssured library is among the most used for REST API automation testing, and is able to create customizable HTTP requests to be sent to the server, allowing you to test a wide range of request combinations
  3. It offers the possibility to validate the HTTP responses received from the server and verify the Status code, the Status message, the Headers and also the body of the response, making the library very flexible in the use of API tests
  1. To complete the task you need a programming tool such as Eclipse, Netbeans, etc etc. and the effective integration of the library into Maven projects
  2. It is possible to generate flows that invoke the API, verify the correctness of what is returned by the call and graphically analyze the execution through the generated reports

Rest Assured offers a wide range of features useful for the creation of automated tests for the RESTful APIs of any organization.

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